2019 will be an exciting year for public transport in Melksham – trains are twice as long this year as they were last, and there are almost twice as many buses running to Bath than there were a year ago.
Passenger numbers are rising, and the Melksham Rail User Group is working with various operators to help encourage more people to use the train and bus for the benefit of the community and of the operators. Lots more on the revamped website at www.mrug.org.uk include bus departure boards from the town centre as well as a live station feed.
There will be lots of opportunities this year to use Melksham’s public transport and to volunteer to help at events, with information, at the station and with surveys. All are welcome at the Melksham Rail User Group meeting on Wednesday 23rd January, at 7.30pm at Melksham Town Hall where 2019’s plans and community involvement are top of the agenda.
Contact for this meeting – vice chair, Graham Ellis on 0797 4 925 928 or secretary John Hamley via info@mrug.org.uk