Bus services in Wiltshire are to get a £2.1million boost. Wiltshire Council has been awarded the money by the government Department for Transport.
It is not confirmed what the funds will be spent on, but the council say they want to use it on new bus signs, bus stops, improving the frequency of services and encouraging more people to use busses.
Wiltshire Council cabinet member for transport, Caroline Thomas said, “We are currently seeking clarification from the Department for Transport on exactly what the funding can be spent on, but we have a range of projects ready to go, with new infrastructure such as signage and bus stops and improving the frequency of bus services.
“Despite the current economic climate, high fuel prices and a national bus driver shortage, we have been able to retain bus services across the county and passenger numbers are increasing.
“In recent months, we have replaced and extended our network of real-time passenger information signs at bus stops and secured funding to begin the feasibility work on developing a new ‘Superbus network’ to deliver low fare, high frequency services across the county.
“We are also investing in our new on-demand service in the Pewsey Vale area, which allows people to book a bus using an app or phone call and will be ready later this year.”