WEST Wiltshire Credit Union held a members’ raffle this month to celebrate their 11th year of success.
The raffle was held at Edwards Stationery on Bank Street; one of the union’s new collection points. Prizes were gifts donated by local businesses Edwards Stationery, Tina’s Trinkets, Petstown, The Co-Operative, Refa Tandoori, and Quinway health & beauty.
The union was formed in 2003 and now has over 500 members and nine collection points across West Wiltshire, with two in Melksham.
It is run by a group of over 20 qualified volunteers who take charge of the bookkeeping, collections, and public relations.
President Sam Selman said, “The whole union is a community. All the savings come from the members and we have a lot of support from local businesses like Edwards Stationery.
“We are always looking for new members, but when people hear the word ‘credit’ they run a mile. In fact, a union is a great way to save money because it’s community-based and trustworthy.
“You only have to compare it to Wonga, who charge upwards of 4,000% APR, to see that this is a much safer option.”
The West Wiltshire Credit Union is a not-for-profit co-operative owned and run by its members. All members contribute as much or as little as they like to a communal savings account, from which they can borrow if they need to, or just continue to save.
Member loans can be up to £3,000 and are generally charged at 2% per month. All surplus profits earned from interest are paid back to the members in the form of dividends.
The union is at Melksham Library every Friday from 10.30am to 1.00pm, and Edwards Stationery every Saturday from 10.00am to 11.15am.
To find out more, visit the union at those times, go to www.wiltscommuni tybank.co.uk, or call 01225 709865.
Pictured: Don Clarke and Sam Selman with the raffle draw.