Melksham Community Meals were inspected recently by Wiltshire Council’s environmental health officer for food and safety and got a giant thumbs up.
The authority operate the National Food Hygiene Scheme and the food hygiene rating given to Melksham Community Meals was the highest, a 5.
Meals organiser Sue Mortimer said, “I always knew our cooks were of the highest standard but it’s great that this is now official!”
Melksham Community Meals operate from Spencer’s Sports and Social Club offering a place to meet and eat.
Meals are served every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from 11.45am till 1.45pm.
Since the move from The Assembly Hall to Spencer’s Sports and Social Club, Melksham Community Meals are aware that some previous users find it difficult to get to Spencer’s. With this in mind and if there is sufficient demand, they are considering teaming up with Melksham Community Bus to offer a service every Friday and every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month. Please contact Sue for further details about the transport 07719 935 883.
Sue Mortimer would like to say a big thank you to the users for their continued support, especially turning out in all wind and weathers of late and coping with the little extra distance put on their journey due to the one-way traffic system operating over the town bridge as improvements to the bridge are made.
For bookings ring or text Sue 07719 935 883. (Walk ins can also be accommodated).
Pictured left to right: cooks Elvy Schofield and Sue Hutchinson, chair Sue Mortimer and volunteer Ursula Sinclair.