ABC Day Nursery is celebrating after being assessed as ‘good’ by Ofsted inspectors.
It was ABC’s second inspection in a year following Alexis Pavlou taking on full ownership of the nursery in February, although it was their first inspection under the new Early Years Foundation guidelines, established in September 2013.
The report notes that ‘at times their teaching is outstanding’ as well commenting that ‘the nursery’s emphasis on working closely with parents and listening to children’s voices means that staff focus clearly on the needs of the child and their family.’
Manager Tanya comments, “Whilst we are delighted at our excellent result, we aim to use this report and our own ideas to further improve our care for our children. Over the past two years, we have also made a number of improvements to the nursery infrastructure and this report allows us to continue that development. This is a busy time of year for ABC, with the new school year about to start and we have a few sessions open for babies starting in September and two-year olds starting in January.”
For more information or to book a visit call Tanya on 01225 791742.