Melksham Without Parish Council has installed new benches in the parish in Whitley and Bowerhill.
Building on the work in the community establishing Melksham as an Age Friendly town, the area board had 50% funding available for new benches that gave the opportunity for the less mobile residents to have a rest whilst out and about.
The parish council consulted the local resident action groups in the parish and the following benches – which are made of recycled materials, and have a high seat and wide arms to make it easy to get up and out of – have now been installed.
CAWS (Community Action: Whitley & Shaw) suggested two sites on Top Lane, which is well used for its local amenities. A new bench has now been installed opposite the Pear Tree at the bus stop and next to the adopted ‘phone box that is now used as a book lending library, a chance to sit and browse.
BRAG (Bowerhill Residents Action Group) suggested three sites on route from sheltered housing in Bowerhill to the village hall with one outside the fish and chip shop in Kestrel Court, and one at Halifax Road outside the school and village hall.
The parish council is still trying to find a suitable narrow bench to ‘perch’ on in the old bus shelter outside Ludlow Hewitt on Halifax Road which is still used by local residents.
The parish council have also installed some replacement seats around the parish and new bins in the play areas.
Picture: The new ‘age friendly’ bench on Top Lane, Whitley.