CHILDREN at Bowerhill Primary School took part in Space Day last Thursday wearing space-themed outfits, writing space-related poems and learning about the universe.
Teacher Sarah Bain said, “I think it’s so important to get children excited about space and science, so having a Space Day is a great way to do this. The children loved being part of the day, learning about space and taking part in different activities. It’s been a great day with lots of smiles all round and the children’s costumes and enthusiasm has been fantastic to see!”
Melksham News attended the assembly to judge the outfits and hand out prizes to the winners of each year group. Winners were: Early Years Foundation Stage, Kacen; Year 1, Nyah; Year 2, Drew; Year 3, Ruby; Year 4, Caden; Year 5, Louis; and Year 6, Jamie.
“I’ve came as a little boy that went outside in the dark and a UFO came and abducted him,” says pupil, Ely. “My favourite thing about Space Day is everyone dressing up as their favourite bit of space. My favourite thing about space is all the colours and stars, I find them interesting and I want to learn more about them as I get older.”
The pupils also attended a poetry workshop with poet, James Carter.