BACK by popular demand is the Melksham Seed and Plant Swap, taking place on Saturday 23rd March from 12.30pm until 3pm.
The event, at the Rachel Fowler Centre, will also raise funds for the town’s Pet Food Bank which ensures owners who may be struggling to feed their pets can access the food they need.
“Bring along any seeds and any plants to swap: flowers, vegetables, herbs, annuals and perennials,” said one of the organisers, Wendy Isaacs, who also runs the Pet Food Bank. “If it can be planted, please bring it!
“If you have no seeds to swap, come anyway, and take away seeds for a small donation.
“We also have seeds to plant on the day plus a chance to grow cress heads and grass heads as well.
“For the children, we have a free colouring competition for ages three to five years old and six to 10 years old. Sheets are available to collect from The Factory Shop now or on the day at the event. There are prizes for winners and the winning pictures will be displayed in The Factory Shop window. The competition closes at 4pm on Sunday 31st March. Return completed entries to The Factory Shop or at the event.
“There will also be tea, coffee and squash, plus lovely homemade cake, for a donation. Entry is by donation on the door.”