MELKSHAM Annual Town Meeting will take place at the Town Hall on Monday 30th April at 7.00pm.
The purpose of the meeting is to receive a written reports on the work of the town council during the year; from Wiltshire councillors; from groups or societies who have received grants from the council during the year; and from any groups or societies within the town who wish to submit reports.
Wiltshire and town councillors will be attending to receive suggestions/complaints/ comments concerning any matter of interest to, or for the benefit of the town for example on issues such as: highways, health, policing, environment eg bus shelters, street furniture and floral displays etc.
Prior to the meeting, there will be a Civic Awards presentation, which was due to take place at the Mayor’s Reception on 2nd March, but unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the adverse weather conditions.
The Macapello Choir who were also going to sing at the Mayor’s Reception will be in attendance and will be welcoming guests with a short performance.
During the evening there will also be a short presentation by Ashlea Forgacs on mental health issues called ‘You’re Not Alone.’