Another highly successful session of the Monday club for Seniors was held on Monday 6th July.
This took place at the Forest Community Centre and members availed themselves of the lovely surroundings to enjoy a game of horseshoes in the sun.
This was followed by refreshments and a small quiz before the Singalong took place. Everybody always enjoys singing their hearts out to the Golden Oldie songs, a small raffle was also held.
It was good to see some new faces and the Monday club is certainly living up to its avowed remit, to give people an afternoon of fun, a little exercise and to meet new people.
The next date will be on Monday 3rd August, 1.30 till 4.00pm, place Forest Community Centre, cost £3.
The Community Bus offers free transport to and from the session, booking is through the Tourist Information Centre, (01225) 707424.