PHOTOGRAPHER Clive Greenland explained how he planned, photographed, processed and printed a single image in the meeting of Atworth Camera Club on Monday 24th February.
The club’s Alan Lee reports, “He had been an official photographer at the Wiltshire Armed Forces & Veterans Celebrations (WAFVC) 1914 -1918 World War 1 held in Trowbridge in 2019 and his presentation centred on an image of the Red Arrows display team flying over the war memorial and which needed careful preparation to capture the moment.
“Clive had worked out the angle from which the aircraft would approach and just where he needed to stand in order to capture the planes at the right moment. This involved working out the best aperture, speed, and focal point to ensure both the aircraft and the statue were in focus. The display team turned up almost two minutes early, but Clive quickly responded and managed to capture the image required.
“Afterwards, he cropped the photo to include only those elements needed for the final image, converted it to mono, and slightly tweaked the lighting to ensure all the details were clearly visible. Clive then explained his choice of paper that would give the final printed image the required impact. He went on to show a number of other images he had captured at the event, including a World War I tank, and people in various contemporary uniforms.
“After the break, Rex Haythornthwaite showed a couple of pictures of a sparrowhawk he had taken in his garden, asking for members’ help on how to improve images taken through windows. Alan Lee completed the evening by showing a personal selection of pictures that illustrated colour, shape and texture, plus some old vehicles, sunsets, fireworks and some problem pictures.
“Our next meeting will be on March 30th when Derek Mason will provide us with a studio session using continuous lighting – you may want to bring your camera. Then in April, Evelyn Stewart will show some of her pictures, followed by members continuing our current season’s project with pictures of “architecture” and if time permits, our next one “images taken into the light.”
“Anyone can attend our meetings, which are held on the last Monday of each month at 7.30pm in Atworth Village Hall. The monthly fee of just £2 includes refreshments.”
07570 443350