ATWORTH WI held their July meeting on Monday 17th July. There were 17 members present and Rev’d Ruth Gillings, the Associate Priest of the Benefice of Atworth Shaw and Whitley was our guest.
Our Treasurer read us a letter from the Denman Appeal thanking us for the money sent to help with the upkeep of Denman College, a Grade 2 listed building, which we made at our sales table during the year.
The speaker was Fiona Turnbull from Lacock Photography. Assisted by her husband, Andy, she gave an excellent presentation entitled “Creative Photography.” She began by showing us a varied selection of beautiful photographs she had taken in Singapore. This was followed by examples showing various techniques used in creating a good, interesting photograph. She gave us many useful tips of how to improve our snapshots whether we were using a phone, an I- pad or a camera. She also gave us ideas of how to produce more creative pictures.
Everyone was fascinated and there were lots of questions. Fiona had suggested beforehand that people might like to bring photographs to show her and a few people took her up on that. We were pleased that two other people from the village joined us for the talk.
The Competition for “Most Amusing Photograph” was won by Lesley Braund.
We continue to do our monthly litter picking in the village.
Our next meeting will be on Monday 14th August when we have our Annual Cream Tea in a member’s garden, weather permitting. Our September meeting will be on Monday 18th September, 7.30pm, at the Village Hall, when we will be having an Art Activity and Talk led by Maggie Bunning.
Helen Snowball.