Our meeting this month included the AGM.
We started the evening with coffee, tea and cake. Since our last meeting we have had a litter pick with a record number of 10 participants who enjoyed a cup of coffee and a chat afterwards. One of our members reported on an event she had been to on Clean Energy which she had found very interesting. Nine members attended a performance of Blitz by Lionel Bart given by CLOGS in the Neeld Hall at Chippenham . After the usual business we went on to the main part of the AGM which includes the annual Treasurer’s Report, the Secretary’s Report of the past year’s Meetings, activities and events and the Presidents Address after which we have the election of committee members and a vote for President. One committee member retired and another was appointed. Helen Snowball stepped down after 3years as President and handed over to Pat Ruffell. Frances Williams won the competition for a ‘Favourite Egg Cup’.
“Two days later three members attended the first of three special events taking place to celebrate the Federation Centenary. This was a lunch at Wellington Barn with entertainment by Anita Harris and her accompanying duo. Anita told us of the very enjoyable time she had singing in musicals, cabaret and theatre and of the many famous people she worked with, as well as singing some well-known favourites from a certain era!
“Our April meeting on Monday 15th will be held at Lowden where we will have an Easter floral demonstration.”