THE recently refurbished raised pavement on Bank Street has upset local residents and business owners.
The footway was covered with gravel earlier this month and has had a bad reception.
Melksham Independent News received complaints from people in the town, who disapprove of its appearance, smell, and texture. Mrs Edwards of Edwards Stationery said, “It’s disgusting. The smell is horrible and even worse when it gets wet.
“The loose stones are a nightmare to clean up, we have to hoover every hour because they’re being kicked in and sticking to our shoes. There’s rubbish all over the street too, because they can’t sweep it off. I really can’t see why they’ve done it, especially as the pavement is not even raised at this end.”
Clive Brown from The Toy Shop said, “It’s a nuisance having to sweep stones from the doorway all the time, and it seems like a pointless thing to have done.
“It seems as if the council ran out of things to do on a Sunday afternoon and plucked it out of the air.”
• What do you think? Write to us at 31 Market Place, Melksham, SN12 6ES or email news@melk sham