Bite The Hand are a five piece rock outfit from Wiltshire
The Band will be playing at the Parsons Nose in Melksham on Friday 6th February, 10pm til late, Free Entry.
As music lovers they’d often go along to local venues to show their support, but they quickly became fed up of watchingtwenty different bands, all playing the same old songs from the same old artists, with zero energy . . it’s BORING!
The Band formed in Spring 2013 when Matt of ‘Severance’ (top UK metal covers act) got together with best friend and former ‘Nishe’ (BBC band of the year) front man Trigger to undertake a project with 3 simple ground rules:
• Big guitar riffs, kickin’ beats and catchy melodies
• High octane, high proficiency and lots of fun
• A band playing something different.
They teamed up with Dan & Chris of Wiltshire rockers ‘Soundcage’ as well as guitarist DC from Andover Metallers ‘Stonebreaker’ to forge BITE THE HAND. . A modern day rock ‘n’ roll band.
The Music the band performs a variety of music from various genres, blending modern Rock with elements of Punk and Metal. Make no mistake, it’s loud, it’s heavy and a whole lotta fun to boot. The band have recorded a three track demo which can be listened to online or downloaded completely free of charge by visiting Shows