It’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas. So says Pastor Tony Brown, conductor of the Bless Melksham Choir and Band.
“We have started our practices for this year’s ‘Bless Melksham 2016 – A Celebration of Christmas’ which is planned to take place in the Melksham Assembly Hall on Tuesday 13th December,” he says.
“The evening will begin at 6.00pm and the various items will finish at about 7.30pm followed by refreshments. By starting and finishing earlier we hope that many more children will be able to come along, take part and stay to the end.
“Last year’s celebration included a number of items including; The Rock of Life Band, local churches and individuals but the stars of the evening were, without doubt, the children.
“This year we hope that we can stage a similar programme with items by local Brownies, Guides and Rangers as well as contributions from the various local schools scattered throughout the programme. If any local groups, organisations or schools want to get involved in this year’s celebration then, please, call me, Tony Brown on 07761 320840.
“The purpose of the evening is to provide a focus on the real meaning of Christmas and help the community of Melksham to experience the true joy of the Christmas story. This will be expressed in a variety of informal songs and sketches that will be fun and memorable.
“There will also be opportunities to join in singing traditional Christmas Carols and songs. So, please, put the date of Tuesday 13th December at 6.00pm in your diary. It promises to be a wonderful evening.”
“As previously stated Bless Melksham Choir and Band have started practicing the Christmas music and I am most grateful to everyone who comes along; especially our accompanists, Jeanette, Bryan and Peter, without whom the Choir and Band could not function. But anyone is welcome to come along and take part.
“The Choir is not about talent or singing ability and there are no auditions. It is about willingness, enthusiasm and the desire to ‘make a joyful noise to the Lord!’ so, please give us a go. The Choir and Band meet in the Baptist Church, Old Broughton Road, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 7.00pm. Again, if you want more details contact me, Tony Brown.”