WILDLIFE has begun to flourish in a wildflower haven in the town.
The wildflower area in the grounds of St Michael & All Angels’ Church, Canon Square, was created by the Melksham South West in Bloom team, as part of the ‘Blue Campaign’ – an initiative that is encouraging areas to be left to ‘rewild’ across Britain.
Since its introduction, local wildlife enthusiasts have seen a positive impact on the town’s insect population in this area.
Local resident, Gill Cardy reports, “We were looking at the ‘Blue Campaign’ notice in St Michael’s churchyard a few days ago and suddenly a shield bug landed on the notice – he obviously wanted a closer look! It was a green shield bug – a common species but nevertheless welcome to many kinds of wildlife looking for food.
“I then had a look for further evidence of wildlife being attracted to this new area of wild plants and discovered quite a large population of shield bugs munching away on the vegetation now flourishing round the notice. These were sloe bugs – also know as hairy shield bugs.
“Yes it really does work! We need more insects. Let’s have some more of the valuable food plants for our insects and stop the decline of species, such as birds, bats and other mammals that feed on them. And certainly we must ban glyphosate weed killers.”
The ‘Blue Campaign’ was launched in 2014 to promote the ‘rewilding’ of gardens, parks, road verges and school grounds – recommending areas be set aside and left to grow through the summer. Areas that have been left to grow are marked with a blue heart symbol, made out of recycled materials, staked into the ground.
More information about the ‘Blue Campaign’ to ‘rewild’ areas of the UK can be found at : https://blue campaignhub.com