Owner and director of language services agency “KLAS Languages” based in Melksham, Karine Chevalier-Watts, was invited to attend a tea party at the House of Lords, Palace of Westminster on 26th June.
Karine was personally introduced to The Rt Hon. the Baroness Featherstone who first joined the House of Lords in May 2005 and who has occupied various positions including Minister of State at the Home Office between 2014 and 2015 and is now the Liberal Democrat Lords Spokesperson on Energy and Climate Change.
Karine took part in a private talk given by the Baroness Featherstone on the increasingly important role of women in politics; the Baroness spoke about her personal story as a former designer who changed careers in 2003 to become a local councillor at Haringey council before moving up on the political ladder and being instrumental in the legislation to allow same-sex marriage in England and Wales which came into force in March 2014.
The Baroness urged women to follow her example and to get further involved into politics to change things positively in society. Karine thanked the Baroness for her inspiring talk and was then given a private guided tour of the Parliament. She was allowed to attend a live debate about Brexit and the future of EU citizens living in the UK. Taking part in the vivid debate were Rt Hon. David Davis MP and Boris Johnson MP who promised EU citizens who have been living in the UK for 5 consecutive years the same rights as British citizens except the right to vote in general elections.
Karine, a chartered linguist in education and translation and an active member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists in London and member of the European-Atlantic Movement is a spokesperson on educational matters, foreign affairs and a translator for the French Embassy in London, the Home Office and a French teacher for the Ministry of Defence.
She gets regularly invited to take part in conferences on education, translation, international matters, the EU and is a registered speaker for BBC Wiltshire.
To contact Karine for language training, multi-cultural awareness or translations and interpreting services, please visit her website at: www.karinelanguagesadmin.co.uk or send her an email at: karine@klaslanguages.co.uk.
Pictured: Karine Chevalier-Watts with Baroness Featherstone.