APRIL saw a new departure for Atworth Camera Club, as there were two meetings during the month. These were held on successive Mondays, 23rd and 30th.
The first of these was the “extra” meeting at which Jim Marsden gave a talk on camera basics, emphasising the trade-off between aperture, shutter speed and ISO. This was followed by an opportunity for members to address issues with their cameras and to try out some of the things they had learned earlier.
The second meeting was a presentation on the ‘History of Black and White Photography’ given by Derek Mason. This all began with Nicéphore Niépce, and Louis Daguerre, before Henry Fox Talbot introduced the methods with which we are more familiar today that produce negatives from which multiple prints can be made. Derek then traced the history through Julia Margaret Cameron, Alfred Stieglitz (who was the main driver behind Group f/64), Ansel Adams, Imogen Cunningham and Edward Weston (who were instrumental in the beginnings of the artistic approach to photography), continuing with the Sabatier effect (solarisation), Henri Cartier-Bresson, and finally with the modern world of the “terrible trio” Bailey, Duffy and Donovan.
Derek also brought a number of books for members to peruse and discuss, covering monochrome images and 3D or stereoscopic images.
If you would like to meet with like-minded photographers, share your images, improve your results or help less experienced people, then do come along, all are welcome. The club meets in the Atworth Village Hall & Institute on the last Monday of each month at 7.30pm and the fee of £2 includes refreshments.
The next two meetings will be as follows:
• at 7.30pm May 28th (Bank Holiday) “Composition” by Alan Lee.
Members’ images of street photography.
• June 25th Atworth tour led by David Webb.
For more information about the club, contact Alan Lee on alanwlee@btinternet.com or 07570 443350.