THE Melksham Community Campus project is said to be ‘progressing well’ with building work still ‘on track’ to begin this summer.
In response to questions from Melksham News about the progress of the project, Wiltshire Council has also announced that listed building consent was received from the Secretary of State at the end of January, meaning that the council can now enter into a construction contract.
However, ‘a revised programme’ for the project, which was said by the council would be available in the new year, has yet to be finalised. Wiltshire Council says that a ‘detailed programme’ will be provided after a contractor has been formally appointed and discussions have taken place.
A timeline for the project given in October 2017, indicated that construction was estimated to start in July 2019, with completion in January 2021. Most recent updates have said that the council expects the campus to be complete by 2021.
Cllr Allison Bucknell, Wiltshire Council cabinet member for communities told Melksham News, “The campus project is progressing well and has hit some key milestones in recent weeks. Having received planning permission before Christmas, we are pleased to report that listed building consent was received from the Secretary of State at the end of January.
“This, alongside the cabinet approval on the increased budget means that all of the necessary approvals are now in place to allow the council to enter into a construction contract. Discussions are actively taking place to agree a formal appointment.
“We are still on track to start work this summer. When a contractor is formally appointed we will work with them on a detailed programme and will provide an update in due course.
“It is still intended that a business case will go to cabinet to outline the future options for the Melksham House site and we will confirm the date of this as soon as possible.
“All latest campus updates can be found on our dedicated page community-environment-melksham-community-campus and we will continue to ensure significant updates are also communicated via the area board.”