To ensure Wiltshire Council’s community engagement managers continue to support and empower local communities, while recognising ongoing budget pressures, the team has recently undergone a restructure.
Wiltshire Council said, “We are pleased to confirm that Melksham’s new community engagement manager is Peter Dunford – 01225 713060 or peter. who will be taking over from Rhys Schell.
“The new team is currently going through a handover period and will officially start in their new areas on Monday 4th March. They are all looking forward to starting and are already beginning to introduce themselves to their new contacts.”
Rhys Schell said, “It has been a genuine pleasure working in the Melksham community area for the past four and a half years. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with our local residents, town and parish councils and local councillors. The number of positive and proactive volunteers, clubs, groups and organisations is what makes the Melksham community so special and I believe I have offered them a good level of support over the years.
“My new role will see me manage the community engagement team at Wiltshire Council which I am very much looking forward to. My colleague Peter Dunford, who has previously delivered the same role in Bradford on Avon, will be replacing me here in Melksham and I know he is very keen to get started.”
Wiltshire Council continued, “The team will continue to work closely with the local area boards to bring local decision-making into the heart of the community and discuss issues that are important to local residents. They will also continue to support the award of grants to community groups, a scheme which has seen so many success stories over the years.”
Peter Dunford said, “I am very much looking forward to getting involved in community issues in the town of Melksham and the villages in the wider community area, acting as the conduit between the community and Wiltshire Council to bring positive change.
“My background is in planning, economic development and communities. I am already familiar with the area and some of the stakeholders and I hope to bring my experience and expertise to help make a difference locally.”
If you have any questions contact Rhys Schell, communities specialist manager engagement and governance on 01225 716752 or rhys.schell@wilt
Above: Left Rhys Schell and Right: Peter Dunford.