THE White Hart has everything covered for all your entertainment needs over the festive period.
On Sunday 17th December there will be Christmas carols at the White Hart and their annual Christmas Draw. “Come and join us for a night of fun with a Christmas sing-a-long with Corsham Brass Band. The draw commences at 6.30pm and carols begin at 8.00pm. Tickets still available on the day for draw until 5.45pm.”
On Sunday 31st December, the White Hart invites you to come along and welcome the New Year in with live music from The Perfect Fools and a free buffet!
The Perfect Fools deliver a cool mix of classic rock and heart-felt blues and beyond that, will be sure to have you up on your feet and dancing the night away right through until the early hours of 2018.
The pub is open all day and the music starts from 9pm. Please bring along a plate of food to add to the free buffet.
For more details visit www.whitehartatworth. or Facebook.