THE Church of St Andrew in Forest is looking forward to a number of upcoming events and is encouraging local residents to get involved with events in the area and volunteering.
Summer Fun Day
The church’s first exciting event is just around the corner with the fun day on Saturday 13th June, which will be held, by the generosity of Jon and Kayleigh, (the Managers) at the Foresters Arms, Sandridge Road.
The event will include a bouncy castle, face painting and much more for the younger members of your family as well as, side shows like tombolas, guessing games, horse racing, cakes stall and homemade produce for the mums and dads, granny and granddads.
To help the day along there will be a barbeque and the bar will be open for all the normal beverages. It is planned that the members of the Melksham ‘Royal Party’ will be attending – and some unexpected surprises no doubt ! The event will be running from 10am to 4pm so make a date to be around on the 13th June.
Acappella Choir
On Wednesday 22nd July at 7-30pm, the Melksham Acappella Choir will be performing in St Andrew’s church. Tickets can be obtained, now from 01225-920400 however, nearer the time we hope to have them available more widely, around the town.
Professor Julian Evans
Looking ahead to the early Autumn, St Andrew’s will be welcoming a well known author by the name of Professor Julian Evans who, in his working life, was a very important part of the Alice Holt Research Plantation in Hampshire among others. Some of his books are about his own small wood and its development. The evening will be based on his latest book, ‘God and Trees’, in addition he no doubt talk about how his faith has been influenced by nature, and particularly, trees. This will be an usual talk with much humour and fascinating facts. We hope it will appeal to gardeners, people who enjoy trees, and people who have questions about God and Nature – so watch the papers for more information nearer the time.
Volunteer at the church
The Church Committee would welcome any ideas as to how the building might be used by it’s local community, on a daily basis. While on the same subject St Andrew’s people are looking for volunteer to join a grass cutting rota so that the Church Yard can be kept looking presentable for all those people who have loved ones buried there.
As with any organisation these days St Andrew’s are needing regular funds to keep the building warm and inviting – as well as in good repair – thought out the year, and so to this end there are plans for some fundraising activities. The first event, was a couple of weeks ago with a Plant Sale at one of the parishioners homes in St Margaret’s Road. This proved to be very successful so, another ‘open day’ is planned for July, but this time in Woodrow Road – watch out for posters if you live in the area.