TOWN councillors using mobile phones during meetings for personal use have been told to ‘show some respect’ and ‘pay attention’.
At a recent meeting of the town council, cllr Tom Price proposed that personal use of mobile phones in meetings be banned, explaining that he feels residents have the right to expect that their elected councillors give their ‘full concentration’ to all matters discussed.
“At this time it is allowed for councillors to use mobile phones during council meetings,” said cllr Price in his proposal to the council, “this becomes distracting when many councillors don’t put their phones on silent and openly text other councillors and non-councillors during council meetings.
“This can also lead to councillors not paying attention to current topics and makes debates difficult.”
“So many times we’re seeing people losing track,” said cllr Saffi Rabey in agreement, pointing out that one councillor had already lost track at the meeting whilst using three electronic devices. “We should not be doing personal things at meetings.”
Whilst most councillors agreed, some felt that a ‘blanket ban’ on mobile phones would not be effective and difficult to enforce.
“The public have put us here for a reason, and that’s not to see us on Twitter or Facebook or whatever,” said cllr Jon Hubbard, who said he was ‘100% behind the spirit of the motion’ but felt that banning devices ‘will not work’.
Cllr Simon Crundell said, “This is an issue of respect. This motion points out that at times there have been some councillors that haven’t paid this council and this meeting room the due respect that it deserves. “The problem is, you can’t legislate for respect.
“The councillors that do disrespect will still be able to do so on other alternative devices.”
At the meeting, councillors were unable to agree on a way forward and instead decided to defer the debate to another meeting.