Here are the Community relevant crimes that have been reported in your area. If you have information that may be useful, regarding any of these or any other crimes please call Wiltshire Police on 101 and quote the number relating to the incident. Alternatively report anonymously via Crimestoppers online or 0800 555 111. To report a crime, call 101 or report online at the Wiltshire Police website. They cannot currently take reports of crime via email.
ASB – Nuisance
12/05/2020 02:06
KING STREET, MELKSHAM, (ED11) Following a report of a disorder at the location, the Police attended and arrested an intoxicated youth to prevent a Breach of the Peace. He was later released without charge.
Crime – Theft
12/05/2020 12:16
SAINSBURYS, BATH ROAD, MELKSHAM, (ED11) following Police enquiries, a male in his 60’s from Bristol was arrested for shoplifting, stealing 6 x bottles of J Daniels. The male has been released RUI (Under Police Investigation)
Crime – Arson and Criminal Damage
12/05/2020 17:54
CHILTERN CLOSE, MELKSHAM, (ED11) overnight on the 11th May an offender has used a sharp implement and stabbed two tyres on a parked and unattended vehicle.
Crime – Burglary Residential (Garage)
13/05/2020 14:58
MARTI CLOSE, MELKSHAM, (ED11) Sometime between the 9th and 11th May offenders have forced the garage door open and gained entry to a garage and stolen fishing equipment from within.
Crime – Theft
13/05/2020 17:56
HEATHCOTE ROAD, MELKSHAM, (ED11) Overnight on the 12th May an offender has entered a rear garden to a property an stolen a small potted ‘Acer’ plant.
Transport – Road related offence
14/05/2020 15:04
A350, MELKSHAM (ED12) Officers on patrol stop checked a vehicle. Enquiries led to a drug swipe test which the driver failed and was arrested on suspicion of drug driving and possession of a class C drug. The male, in his 20’s from Melksham was released RUI (Under Police Investigation)
Crime – Vehicle offences
15/05/2020 15:12
LOCKING CLOSE, BOWERHILL, (ED12) overnight on the 14th May an offender has undone the front tyre wheel nuts on a parked and unattended vehicle.
Crime – Theft
15/05/2020 17:32
CORONATION ROAD, MELKSHAM, (ED11) A offender has stolen an insecure bike which was left against the side of a property for a matter of a few minutes. PROPERTY: Blue Saracen Zenith Trail bike.
Crime – Violence Against the Person
17/05/2020 01:21
DIVISIONAL POLICE HEADQUARTERS, HAMPTON PARK WEST, MELKSHAM (ED12) A male arrested in Chippenham was taken to Melksham Custody. In custody, the offender has coughed at a Police Officer. He has then said words to the effect of “I HAVE CORONA AND I HOPE YOU GET IT”. The offender did this to a second officer. Byronn PLUMB, 30, of NFA Chippenham was charged with 2 counts of assaulting an emergency worker and being drunk and disorderly. He was remanded to court where he was sentenced to 26 weeks in Prison and ordered to pay £100 compensation.
Crime – Burglary Residential (Dwelling)
17/05/2020 12:41
BATH ROAD, ATWORTH, (ED12) Overnight on the 10th May an offender has attempted to gain access to the rear of a property. Scuff marks were visible on the door. No entry believed gained.