Alzheimer’s Support has launched a new website to guide people through the process of being diagnosed with dementia in Wiltshire.
The Dementia Roadmap for Wiltshire is a simple online guide to what to expect during the process of being diagnosed with any type of dementia. It includes a symptoms guide, information about other conditions that can be confused with dementia, and explains the roles of health care and non-medical staff in supporting families at every step of the way.
It is designed to be used by healthcare professionals as well as by families and individuals, who can dip in and out of the roadmap at different stages in their personal journey.
The roadmap leads to a related site, the Support Village, where the charity has pulled together links to a wealth of relevant local information about available support.
Alzheimer’s Support CEO, Babs Harris said, “We have been working on this for nearly two years and have had tremendous support and encouragement from so many people who know how valuable this information will be.
“People often tell us that what they need is practical, locally available support. There is a wealth of information already available but it can be hard to find so the Support Village, which is still being developed, will bring this together in one place.”
“We already have nine dementia advisers in Wiltshire. We think of the roadmap and support village together as a 10th ‘virtual’ dementia adviser, accessible 24 hours a day, and is there to help people find the information they need to live as well as they can with dementia.”
The Roadmap and Support Village were created with financial support from Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group, and with input from people affected by dementia and local organisations.
To view the map visit