THE town’s deputy mayor, councillor Sue Mortimer, would like to say a big thank you to the person who put on Sham Shout Outs Facebook page recently, a warning that ‘there have been multiple glass bottles smashed along the path beside the zip wire’.
Cllr Sue Mortimer said, “The message not only made dog walkers out that evening aware of the problem but also gave me the chance to alert the amenities team to prioritise that area to be cleaned first on Sunday morning.
“This meant that the area was made safe well in time for the junior parkrun core team to declare the parkrun course safe for the children to use. Children running are aged between four to 14 years old.”
Cllr Sue Mortimer advises anyone seeing people smashing glass bottles in a public place to report the anti-social behaviour to the police by ringing 101.
She said, “Such anti-social behaviour could cause serious damage to animals and humans alike. To you, merry bottle owners – Please think before you smash!”
Pictured – Tasha Gardener, the town council’s amenities team assistant and town councillor Sue Mortimer after the clean up.