In advance of National Irritable Bowel Syndrome awareness month in April, osteopath and clinical lecturer, Marianne Carpenter, will be presenting a free informative talk on IBS and other common digestive disorders.
The talk will introduce the anatomy of the digestive system, and give an overview of common digestive disorders including any concerning ‘red flag’ symptoms to look out for. Irritable bowel syndrome will be discussed, including its triggers, symptoms, and new research into dietary and alternative treatments for the condition.
The talk will take place on Thursday 21st March at 6.30pm, at Lowbourne Osteopathic Clinic in Melksham. Places are limited, so if you would like to come along to this informative evening, please call reception on 01225 704883 in advance to book your place. The talk will last approximately 45 minutes, with time for questions at the end.