AN enchanted forest with fairies, garden gnomes, stars, hearts, toy dinosaurs and tree decorations has sprung up in a Melksham nature trail.
It was started by local woman Fran Whiteway who made a miniature fairy garden in a flower pot and left it to cheer people up at the nature trail off Snowberry Lane. And now, local children have been adding their own items.
“I make miniature fairy gardens in flower pots and normally go to car boot sales,” said Fran. “But at the very beginning of lockdown with the schools closed, I made a little fairy door by a tree stump with an arrow saying ‘To the enchanted forest’ and left it on the nature trail behind my house.
“Every day, I have added a little something so when people walk past with their children or dogs, they get to see little magical things.
“And then children started to add their own things to the nature forest including craft items they have made themselves.
“It’s turned into a really nice community project in a really lovely and peaceful spot and the children continue to make lovely crafts every day.”
Pictured, Fran with a few of her creations; a few of the items at the nature reserve and two local children enjoy the enchanted forest.