RESIDENTS of Atworth will host the ‘Atworth Village Safari’ next month to raise funds for village children.
The event will take place on Saturday 8th June and is packed full of events and attractions that will take visitors on a exciting adventure across the village throughout the day.
One of the organisers, Jeremy Langley says, “Last year we held a very successful ‘Garage Safari’ to raise funds for village kids, this year it’s bigger with a ‘Village Safari’. This means the whole village is ‘open’.
“Starting with a charity breakfast at The White Hart there are things to see and do across the village.
“Attendees can buy a map for £1 and can then wander up and down the village. Safari sites include open gardens, garage sales, events hosted by the Brownies and Guides, a ‘Kids Kafe’ organised by the youth club, and Shell Court – sheltered housing for senior citizens – is opening a ‘pop-up’ cafe.
“The Village Museum will also be open, there will be vintage cars, and a family treasure hunt across the village. The day will end with a village barbecue.”
For more information contact atworthsafari@, call Jeremy on 07753 741084, search @atworthvillagesafari on Facebook, or drop in to the White Hart Pub in Atworth and talk to owner Kirsty Cortilla.