Dorset & Wiltshire Fire and Rescue Service is urging all drivers to take care when out on the roads, after seven people lost their lives locally in less than a week.
The service has worked with colleagues from the police and ambulance service at a number of road traffic collisions since lockdown restrictions started to ease, and three such incidents across its area in the last seven days have led to fatalities.
Road safety manager Christine Sharma said, “Our deepest condolences go to all the families who have been affected by the horrendous events of the last week. It’s a brutal reminder of how dangerous our roads can be and, while we don’t yet know what led to these crashes happening, all drivers can do their part to keep themselves, their passengers and other road users safe. Please take some time to think about our advice before and during journeys.”
If you’ve been working from home in recent months, with only the odd trip to the shops or to care for someone, your driving skills may not be as sharp as usual. In addition, your vehicle should be checked thoroughly, especially if it’s spent most of its time parked up.
Drivers are encouraged to use the FLOWER acronym to keep their vehicle maintained. FLOWER stands for Fuel, Lights, Oil, Water, Electrics and Rubber (tyres).
Christine said, “The main reasons for injuries and loss of life in road traffic collisions are known as the ‘fatal four’ – use of mobile phones, non-use of seatbelts, excessive speed and drink/drug driving. We have produced a series of digital leaflets to help drivers understand the potential implications of certain behaviours, and we would encourage everyone to take a look at”
The leaflets were created following the national success of the Service’s Covid 19 road safety workbook for 11-18 year olds, which focused on essential travel, drivers, pedestrians and using two-wheelers. This can still be found online at and can be completed by anyone.