ELIGIBLE patients can now book their annual flu vaccination at Spa Medical Centre, Melksham.
If you are in one of the ‘at risk’ groups listed below, please telephone the clinic on 01225 898062 or 01225 709311 after 10am to book an appointment. They are also offering the pneumonia vaccination to patients over 65 or ‘at risk’, if they have not previously had the vaccination.
The ‘at risk’ groups are:
· People aged 65 years or over
· Patients with diabetes, asthma (requiring inhaled or oral steroid therapy) COPD, chronic kidney or liver disease
· Patients who have chronic heart disease or who have suffered a stroke
· Patients who are immunosuppressed
· Patients who are pregnant
· Registered carers.
Following the success of the Saturday Flu Clinics there will be clinics on Saturday 23rd September, Saturday 7th October and Saturday 21st October.
Each clinic runs from 8.30am – 12.30pm. The first week day clinic will be Thursday 28th September, 4.00pm – 7.00pm.
Flu (also known as influenza) is a highly infectious illness caused by the flu virus. It spreads rapidly through small droplets coughed or sneezed into the air by an infected person. For most people, flu is unpleasant but not serious. You will usually recover within a week.
Studies have shown that flu vaccines provide effective protection against the flu, although protection may not be complete and may vary between people.
Protection from the vaccine gradually decreases and flu strains change over time. Therefore, new vaccines are made each year and people at risk of flu are encouraged to be vaccinated every year.
The flu vaccination is offered to people in at-risk groups. These people are at greater risk of developing serious complications if they catch flu, such as pregnant women and elderly people.