A REAL life nativity event ‘Follow The Star’ will be held on Friday 8th December at 224 Bath Road Stables from 2pm-4.30pm.
Everyone is welcome to join Helen Roberts at her stables again this year. She said, “Come and follow the trail of stars until you find the lamp-lit stable. Pat the donkeys and gather round to hear the Christmas story.
“There will be traditional Christmas songs, mulled wine and mince pies. Organised for the community by the benefice of Atworth, Shaw and Whitley, the event is free, with any donations going to the British Heart Foundation and Christ Church Shaw Roof Fund.
“I work as a teaching assistant at Aloeric Primary School and our reception children will be coming along again this year for a festive treat!”
Parking is at 4 Bath Road (entrance to Shaw Country Hotel). For more information, please contact Helen Roberts on 07981 378940