Volunteers at Melksham Free Dining have been praised for their ‘unbelievable support and commitment’ over the past year.
19 volunteers attended the group’s AGM with one, Lyn Barrow, being named as the Volunteer of the Year. She was presented with a bouquet of flowers and the Melksham Free Dining Cup.
“This award is being presented to someone who we all love, admire and is very much part of the backbone of Melksham Free Dining,” said one of the group’s organisers, Deedee Macleod. “She works tirelessly, is totally committed and her generosity knows no bounds.”
During the evening, fellow organiser Louisa Lewis paid tribute to ‘the incredible group of volunteers’. “Deedee, Geoff (Robinson, the treasurer) and I would like to thank all of you for your unbelievable support and commitment. It is amazing how we have become a family, one for all and all for one.”
She went on to say, “Whilst Melksham Free Dining is all about our diners and their welfare, we work very hard behind the scenes to secure funds in order to give financial help where needed as well as nutrition and social interaction. The concept of Melksham Free Dining is first and foremost to give nurture and care to all of those who come to us: to enhance their lives in every way possible so they feel they are part of a community that really does care about them.”
As part of the nurture and care policy, she said that care for the diners and others in the community during the week was provided with weekly visits to residents that are not yet ready to come to the free dining club, giving company to those in need and signposting residents to other organisations, charities, food banks and social services.
This past winter had also seen extra assistance given to the community, with electric blankets being provided to those in need and funds for pre-paid meters allocated to keep people warm plus much needed Asda food vouchers.
In his treasurer’s report, Geoff said, “We are all having to make savings and take account of the economic climate. Melksham Free Dining continues to grow, with more people joining very week. There is a real need for this service and, with the continued generosity of our supporters and volunteers, we will continue to welcome the vulnerable and the lonely for many years to come.”
Deedee went onto outline the year ahead. “Upcoming events include a cake and lucky dip stall in the park in September with another stall in December full of goodies, games and fun,” she said. “The newly formed Melksham Free Diners Choir are hoping to take their singing to Melksham High Street at Christmas with their fundraising buckets. Songs will ring out in honour of the festive season. Their last performance was for Michelle Donelan MP, an active supporter of Melksham Free Dining, who had come to have lunch with the diners offering her help and advice to them just a few short days before giving birth to her son. Her commitment was much admired and appreciated. Furthermore, Michelle has promised to hold a black-tie event in aid of Melksham Free Dining in September.
“This year we hope to supply six hampers filled with tasty Christmas treats and we are asking shops, restaurants and pubs to raffle the hampers for us. Last year Vicky, director of Tops Hairdressers who is also one of our volunteers, organised a hamper raffle. It was a great success. Her clients were incredibly generous as were Millie Jane’s boutique in the High Street and not forgetting the support this Easter from The Pilot pub’s customers on Bowerhill.
“We so hope that shops, businesses and pubs reading our target for this year’s Christmas hampers will contact me and offer to raffle one of our hampers at Christmas. Telephone 07967 123 858.”