The latest in the series of free talks at Lowbourne Osteopaths addresses how reflexology can aid those struggling with subfertility.
Lowbourne Osteopaths is situated at 39 Lowbourne, Melksham (SN12 7ED) and this talk on Saturday 9th May will commence at 2.30pm.
Reflexologist, Karen Newton, will be offering her insights and expertise in a free talk about fertility issues. Karen is a member of ARR and has over 25 years’ experience in reflexology.
At least 25% of UK couples planning a baby have trouble conceiving and the number seems to be increasing. A study on preconceptual care and pregnancy published in 1995 showed that changes in lifestyle and diet had an 80% success rate with couples who had previously been infertile.
Optimising health is an obvious way to increase the chances of a successful conception and a good pregnancy, but it is often overlooked. Stress can have a huge negative impact on the body, with knock on effects on hormonal functions and general wellbeing.
Reflexology helps relaxation and tension, improves moods and sleep and can promote a deep sense of wellbeing.
Since 2011 there has been in existence an organisation, the Association of Reproductive Reflexologists (ARR) dedicated to training and promoting reflexologists in the area of subfertility. Their main aim is to undertake clinical research into the effectiveness of reflexology in the treatment of infertility.
Come along to find out how reflexology can help you. Please phone to book as places are limited, tel: 01225 704883.