So confident they’ll never need their larger sizes again, slimmers across Melksham have raised £3,250 by donating the clothes they’ve successfully slimmed out of to Cancer Research UK.
The Slimming World groups collected a ‘phenomenal number’ of bags of clothes, shoes, homeware and accessories as part of the Big Golden Slimming World Clothes Throw.
The bags will be donated to local Cancer Research UK shops as part of the national fundraising campaign, which this year goes ‘gold’ as Slimming World celebrates its 50th birthday year. As part of the Big Golden Slimming World Clothes Throw, anyone who finds a special golden bag is in with a chance to win a VIP shopping and makeover experience.
The Big Golden Slimming World Clothes Throw aims to raise awareness of how keeping a healthy weight can reduce the risk of developing some types of cancer. Each of the filled bags is worth around £25 to the charity, and this year’s campaign is aiming to beat the total raised in 2018 – an incredible £3million in just two weeks. Since 2012 the partnership has generated more than £12million worth of stock.
As well fundraising, the partnership between Slimming World and Cancer Research UK aims to raise awareness of the links between obesity and cancer. Since 2012 the partnership has generated more than £12million.
“We are delighted to have raised so much money for charity,” says Melksham Slimming World consultant, Carmen Middleditch. “We can’t quite believe how many bags we managed to collect – and the fact we found some gold ones too, I can’t wait to see if any of my members are winners! We know our members are amazing but I didn’t expect such an incredible level of effort – wow!
“Seeing members donate their too-big clothes is just the cherry on top for us as consultants. What we find so special is seeing members transform before our eyes as they lose weight. Many go from shy, apprehensive individuals who join with their confidence at rock bottom. They don’t believe they could ever lose the weight they dream of losing. When we tell them they absolutely can be the size they want to be – whatever that is – and that I truly believe in them, things start to change.
“At the group, members learn to remove feelings of guilt around food, and instead feel empowered by all the ‘Free Food’ they can enjoy on Slimming World’s healthy eating plan ‘Food Optimising’. Through ‘Food Optimising’, they learn to change the way they think about food by making changes to the way they shop, cook and eat, and they lose weight without ever feeling like they have to restrict a thing or go hungry.
“Members also make friends in the group, they celebrate success together and they are there for one another through the more challenging times too. As the weight drops off and the energy levels soar, many of them become more active too – walking, swimming, playing with the kids – there really is no stopping them! They shed the shackles of their former selves – including the clothes they’ll never fit in again too.
“So many people don’t know how much of a difference losing weight can make to health – including reducing the risk of developing a range of problems including some types of cancer. Hopefully this campaign and our efforts for charity will help inspire more people in Melksham to improve their health and change their lives by losing weight too.
“We are so proud of our members and their efforts. They really do put their heart into everything they do. Whether it’s their weight loss, supporting each other each week or raising money for charity, they continually blow me away!”
Anyone who would like to find out more about Slimming World or the Big Golden Slimming World Clothes Throw is invited to get in touch with Carmen, who runs the group at the Canberra Centre every Friday morning on 07828 487569, Tracy Fordham at Forest & Sandridge School every Thursday evening on 07553 192874 and Claire Dew at the Town Hall every Wednesday evening on 07734 202380.