LAST weekend saw Broughton Gifford’s Darrell Higgins attended the NG Road Racing pre-season test day and Auto Cycle Union Training Day at Castle Combe on Saturday the 9th of March.
Racing on his Dennis Trollope-backed T Z 350cc Yamaha, Darrell returned to racing last season after five seasons away. “Despite this, he finished in sixth place in the GP Originals Masters Championship on the same machine that he will be using this season,” reports Paul Korkus.
“His first session was held in damp and wet track conditions but despite this, was happy with his bike despite a couple of slides. In his second session and on a drying track, Darrell put in some faster lap times and managed to pass some of his fellow competitors on much newer 250cc machines.
“Darrell explained after this session that his bike was better now than it was at the end of last season and that he is looking forward to this season. His third session was dry and Darrell put in some of his fastest laps of the day under the watchful eye of long-time sponsor Dennis Trollope, who has played a big part in Darrell’s racing since the early 1980s.”
Spencer’s pair through to national finals
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