LAST month’s Probus meeting was held at the Kings Arms on Tuesday 3rd November.
The afternoon started with a hearty lunch followed by a talk about George Formby by Graham Harding.
George Formby was born in Wigan in 1904 and died in 1961 not long after appearing at the Bristol Hippodrome in the pantomime ‘Dick Whittington.
His early years he spent as a clog dancer and then playing his ukulele. He was known as the person who made Wigan Pier famous. He played many music halls throughout the country from Glasgow down as far as Plymouth.
During his travels he became friends with Max Miller and Arthur Askey. Some of his time was spent entertaining the troops in North Africa.
Members then listened to a few of George’s saucy songs for which he was famous. Graham was using a similar ukulele that George had. Graham bought his for £13 but it is now worth over £1,000.
A vote of thanks was given by the Chairman for an interesting talk looking back to the past.