WHAT do you do when your toaster stops popping up? Or when a zip jams? Or with a bike with a puncture?
On Saturday 22nd March, residents of Melksham will have the opportunity to bring along a broken item to Melksham’s first free to attend Repair Workshop where volunteer menders will help them to fix it for free.
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and Melksham Climate Friendly Group are organizing the Repair Workshop at the United Church on 22nd March from 10.30am-2.00pm as part of Melksham Climate Friendly Group’s Equinox Day.
The Repair Workshop is about cutting down on how much we need to buy new and looking after what we’ve already got. Volunteers with know-how; some amateur and some professional, will be available to help mend your broken stuff ranging from electrical items to clothes.
By promoting repairing, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and Melksham Climate Friendly Group are taking positive action to reduce mountains of waste. This is absolutely necessary, according to Emma Croft, community waste minimisation officer at Wiltshire Wildlife Trust. She said, “Our consumer-driven society throws away lots of things that could have been re-used as they are or easily repaired. The Repair Workshop in Melksham is designed to change that!”
The Repair Workshop also provides an opportunity for the community to come together and share practical knowledge and skills to help each other. Emma points out that repairs can save money and resources, including the energy and materials it takes to make new products. She added, “But above all, the Repair Workshop just wants to show how much fun and satisfying repairing things can be and how easy it often is.”
If you have the skills to repair something at the workshop or to find out exactly what can be brought for repair nearer the time, then please get in touch with Emma Croft, community waste minimisation officer at Wiltshire Wildlife Trust on 01380 736077 or via email to emmac@wiltshirewildlife.org