A GOVERNMENT grant of £2.7million will be distributed to Wiltshire people and services most strained by the cost-of-living crisis.
By Local Democracy Reporter Jude Holden
The grant is part of the Government’s £421million national Household Support Grant Scheme designed to support those most in need across England, to help with the significantly rising living costs in the period up to the end of March 2023.
The money will be used for food payments during school holiday periods, including Easter 2023 for families who are eligible for free school meals or Better2Gether Funding (free childcare for two-year-olds) and Early Years Pupil Premium.
There will also be payments to low-income households with school-age children who are not eligible for the food payments which will be made for the winter holiday period, with arrangements made via schools.
Low-income working-age households in receipt of council tax reduction and within a protected group and those households who are wholly or partially reliant on Universal Credit, will receive payments directly.
Vouchers for food and utility bills will be given to those in temporary accommodation, supported accommodation, or those recently moved into permanent accommodation who require additional support paid via the council’s housing department.
Vouchers and support will also be made available to residents who are receiving support from children’s and adults’ social care services who are struggling with household bills.
The council’s library service will be providing residents with access to a free warm space to sit, stay and take part in activities. Funding will be used to provide warm drinks where possible, and all libraries will be collection points for warm packs, for those who would benefit from some free essentials.
Food banks and linked projects will be funded to ensure they are able to purchase and provide food to those most in need.
Wiltshire Council has also provided funding to Wiltshire Community Foundation and partners to deliver practical and financial help for people living in fuel poverty. Since 1st November, people who are in receipt of means-tested benefit and are aged over 65 or suffer from a long-term health condition, have been eligible for assistance including fuel vouchers and a range of advice.
For more information about eligibility and the help available, contact Warm and Safe Wiltshire on 0800 038 5722 or email warmandsafe@cse.org.uk
Funding is also being provided to AgeUK Wiltshire for provision and delivery of hot meals to isolated elderly residents who are unable to meet the cost of this service themselves.