THE plan to review and update the Melksham Neighbourhood Plan continues, with several consultations still live and awaiting the community to give their input.
A spokesperson for the Joint Melksham Neighbourhood Plan committee says, “The most important one is to give your views on current housing needs in the Melksham area. What type of housing is required? Flats? Starter homes? Specialist accommodation for elderly residents? Family homes? And are you looking for rental properties, shared ownership or market value properties to buy?
“The answers you give are vital evidence in shaping the future mix of the housing development in the Melksham area in the coming years. The deadline for this survey is 30th June.
“There is also still time to nominate a local heritage asset for potential protection. Is there something historic that you value in the community, but is not a listed building or in the conservation area? Deadline for this survey is 13th June.
“The ‘Call for Sites’, and nominations for ‘Local Green Spaces’ has now closed, and the task groups of the Neighbourhood Plan, all made up from local residents and councillors, will now be reviewing the requests made.”
To get involved, then go to the website and take part in the consultations.
If you are unable to access the website, please contact Melksham Town Council (01225 407187) or Melksham Without Parish Council (01225 705700) and alternative arrangements can be made.