The Annual Parish Meeting for Broughton Gifford takes place on Monday 14th March at 7.00pm in Broughton Village Hall, and residents are invited to put items on the agenda.
To do this, please visit the council website or contact the clerk Mary Jarvis on (01225) 782941 or email
This year the parish council would like to vary the meeting from usual, to allow for a time for group discussions and suggestions for a planned future Parish Plan.
The meeting will begin promptly at 7.00pm with reports from the chairman Mark Sullivan on the council’s work during 2015/16 followed by reports from Wiltshire councillor Terry Chivers, from the Police and from any local community organisations.
Residents will be given the opportunity to ask questions and make comment. There will be a break for tea, coffee and refreshments.
The second part of the evening will then be devoted to having small group discussions on a variety of current topics, giving residents an opportunity to visit different tables and give their input and ideas for the future of the village.
The meeting will end with a plenary session when the council will explain how the Parish Plan will be taken forward.
Mary Jarvis said, “If you live or work in Broughton Gifford, please do put this important date in your diary – Monday 14th March – and come along! Your council needs your ideas to make our village an even better place to live than it is now!”