YOU are invited to drop-in events in Melksham and Melksham Without to further the work of the Melksham Neighbourhood Plan.
The Neighbourhood Plan, led by the parish and town council, which has already included a number of consultations and events, is reaching a critical stage in its development. It needs input from the community to add further information, especially in relation to housing.
Neighbourhood Planning is a government initiative to involve local people in land use planning, and it provides an opportunity for local people to have their say on future development in the area. When it is complete, it will become part of the documents which govern planning in the area; because of this, it is critical local people make their voice heard.
Chairman of the Neighbourhood Plan steering group, Richard Wood said, “It is absolutely vital that this document expresses the views of the local people of the area and this is why this stage is so critical.”
The Neighbourhood Plan covers housing, transport, shopping, working, environment and health / leisure for the communities of Melksham and Melksham Without.
An online and paper survey will also be available for the community to make more detailed comments after the events. The drop-in events are being held at Christie Miller Sports Centre on Friday 10th November between 4pm and 7pm, or at Melksham Guide HQ (entrance to Waitrose Car Park) Saturday 11th November between 11.30am and 2.30pm
Further information on the Neighbourhood Plan is available from Melksham Town Council (01225 704187) or Melksham Without Parish Council (01225 705700).
Complete the online survey that will open on 10th November at www.survey HousingSitesConsult
Paper copies will also be available from the town and parish council offices and other venues.