PLANS for a new village hall for Berryfield could be about to move forward after a delay caused by the housing developers, Bellway.
Melksham Without Parish Council says that it is hopeful that the housing developer will soon hand over ownership of the land earmarked for the new hall, allowing them to meet their deadline of 20th September to sign a contract with their contractors, Rigg Construction.
As reported in the last issue of Melksham News, the parish council has said that if the deadline is not met, they could face costs of up to £200,000.
Parish clerk, Teresa Strange said, “We have just had a pre-contract meeting [with Rigg Construction], but are still dependent on Bellway Homes and their land transfer to be able to sign the contract before the 20th September deadline.
“There has been a lot more activity recently (since Melksham News’ questions to Bellway!), but still not there yet!”
The parish council has told Melksham News that if progress is made, they hope Rigg Construction will begin work on the site in mid-October, whom they met with last week for a pre-contract meeting.
Housing developer Bellway – who are responsible for the Bowood View development, comprising 150 houses – has failed to action a legal agreement, made five years ago, to hand over ownership of the land earmarked for the new hall, to Melksham Without Parish Council, says the council.
In response to the parish council’s concerns last month, a spokesperson for Bellway, told Melksham News that it is “fully committed to providing the land” for Berryfield’s village hall.