A PROFESSIONAL hypnotist will be performing in Melksham next month in an event raising money for a baton twirling club in the town.
Comedy stage hypnotist Ian Dee will hold a special show at Melksham Liberal Club from 6.30pm on Saturday 12th November.
The event will raise money for Enigma Twirl Team, which performs in twirling competitions and carnivals all over the local area. The club is fundraising for new costumes.
Ian Dee says people at his show can expect to ‘see your family friends or colleagues surrender to the power of suggestion, giving the audience a hilarious, outrageous and utterly entertaining hypnotist show that will be the topic of conversation for many weeks after the event.’
Leader of Enigma, Tanya Denning said, “Enigma is a non-profit organisation and we rely solely on the support of the local community, grants and fundraising ourselves.
“To say the team and committee, who are all volunteers, work hard to keep the troupe up and running is an understatement and we appreciate everything that we are offered and assisted with.
“We are hoping to raise enough to be able to cover the costs of costumes and new poms for the 2017 competition season.
“This year we have had to spend £1,500 to keep the team’s vehicle on the road, so there is even more pressure to raise as much as we can. We now have over 30 members and are looking to hit 40 for the 2017 season, which is very exciting for all of us! We have achieved so much in the four years we’ve been running as a troupe, so thank you to everyone for your continued support.”
Tickets for the evening with Ian Dee are available from Kirstie on 07530 952744 or kirstiecardoza@ymail.com
The event is for over 18s only.