DRIVERS should ignore the arrows painted on the road approaching the roundabout which intersects Spa Road, the A36 and Pathfinder Way – they were painted in error by Wiltshire Council.
The arrows instruct drivers to use right-hand lane for driving straight on at the roundabout, in contrast to the Highway Code which says to use the left-hand lane. The arrows were first painted on the road as part of modifications to the roundabout and have since caused confusion as drivers were unsure which lane to use – whether to follow the arrows or the Highway Code.
More recently, the arrows have been partly rubbed out, resulting in more confusion as to whether they are still in operation.
Following enquiries by Melksham News, Wiltshire Council says the arrows were painted in error and that attempts to remove them have only been partially successful. The council said, “The lines (arrows) were painted in error and have been removed but they cannot be fully removed from the road without resurfacing.
“Resurfacing works in the area (which will include this) are planned, but no date has been set yet. In the meantime, people are advised to follow the Highway Code.
“To clarify, the incorrect, partially visible arrows should be ignored and the Highway Code for roundabouts should be followed.”