The Melksham Lions have shared a review of last year and outline what they are working on to support the town in the year ahead.
Jaki Stephen said, “We are pleased to say our membership has increased and we are attracting younger members. We will aim to continue with our recruitment in 2023 and beyond and are in the process of acquiring a new gazebo that will help promote our good name.
“We have made donations to Wiltshire Air Ambulance, Melksham’s Food Bank and Food Club, Free Wheelers and we are continuing with the School Books Initiative.
“Our best Christmas for a number of years was 2021 when we came out of lockdown and this year, we would especially like to thank Meads of Melksham for their assistance in towing the float around the streets.
“Looking forward to 2023 we are organising another Easter Egg Hunt in the town, a Health Awareness Day, support for local football, rugby and cricket teams, and we hope to increase the number of events we attend.
“Following feedback and the success of the Aloeric Primary School choir performance this year, we aim to make this one of our main events for 2023.”