PLANS are already under way for the “Bless Melksham 2014 – A Celebration of Christmas” event which will take place in Melksham Assembly Hall on Friday 19th December.
Tony Brown, conductor of the Bless Melksham Choir and Band said, “We have started our practices for this year’s event.
“In response to requests, the evening will begin slightly earlier at 6.30pm and finish at about 8.30pm. By starting earlier we hope that many more children will be able to come along and take part.
“Last year’s celebration included a number of items from local churches but the stars of the evening were, without a doubt, the children. The first half of the evening had items by local Brownies, Guides and Rangers, as well as contributions from Aloeric and The Manor primary schools. If any local groups, organisations or schools want to get involved in this year’s celebration, then please call me on 07761 320840.
“Last year we had a wonderful letter, via the Melksham Independent News, stating that for one parent the evening had been the start of the “real Christmas”. The writer had not intended staying, but was only going to drop off their child and then return later to collect her. However, she was persuaded to stay and was most thankful that she had. She had thoroughly enjoyed the evening and had seen the true meaning of Christmas in the various items and carol singing.”
“As previously stated, the Bless Melksham Choir and Band have re-started their practices and I am most grateful to everyone who has returned, especially our two accompanists, Jeanette Payne and Bryan Morris, without whom the choir could not function. But anyone is welcome to come along and take part. The choir is not about talent or singing ability and there are no auditions. It is about willingness, enthusiasm and the desire to ‘make a joyful noise to the Lord!’ so, please give us a go.”
The choir and band meet in the Baptist Church, Old Broughton Road, on the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month at 7.00pm. For further details contact Tony Brown on 07761 320840.