Do you like running? Or cycling? Or walking? For those people that do or maybe even more for those who don’t, there is a free fun challenge this summer that’s designed to get people in Wiltshire more active.
Road to Rio runs for the eight weeks leading up to the Olympic Games starting on 4th June.
It’s easy to get involved, just sign up online at and record your distance running, swimming, skateboarding, whatever activity you do over the eight weeks.
Miriam Zaccarelli, deputy clerk said, “It’s open to individuals or teams, so you can set personal or team goals, whichever you prefer. You can create your own team or join ‘Team Melksham’ so that collectively we can reach our target of 9281 km, which is the distance from London to Rio. There is also a ‘Team Melksham Without’ that is steadily growing too!
“If you need help tracking your distance, there are free pedometers available to those who join Team Melksham or Team Melksham Without, just call the Town Hall on 01225 899916 or email 01225 705700 or for Melksham Without.
“It’s about motivating Melksham to be more active, but it’s also about being better than Trowbridge!”
If you’d like to join the challenge and see how far you can go on the Road to Rio, sign up on and if you’d like to join a team, you can choose ‘Team Melksham’ or ‘Team Melksham Without’ on the sign up form.