Wiltshire FA are hosting a series of free Women only Walking Football taster sessions across the county, with one in Melksham next month, and they are inviting you to give it a try.
“This is a fantastic time for Women’s football and now football is finally home and where it belongs let’s keep building on this!” says Wiltshire FA.
“Lioness Captain, Leah Williamson couldn’t have put it better in summarising this fantastic opportunity we have“…this hasn’t just been a change for women’s football but society in general, how we’re looked upon, and I think tomorrow is not the end of a journey but the start of one.”
You don’t need to have played any football before to take part. Walking Football can help introduce you to the game, re-familiarise people that used to play or become a part of your fitness routine.
The Melksham session is at Melksham Oak School on Saturday 15th October, 10am-11am on the outdoor astroturf.
Other sessions include Trowbridge Town Park on Saturday 17th September at 10am-11am; Chippenham , Stanley Park on Saturday 24th September at 10am-11am; and Devizes Green Lane Playing Fields, Saturday 24th Sept at 12pm-1pm.
The sessions are open to women age 35+ years. No experience necessary, absolute beginners welcome!
For more information and to fill in a registration form, visit www.wiltshirefa.com/news/2022/aug/30/womenswalkingfootballtour
or contact: Ash Cornick, Wiltshire FA – Football Development Officer (Women and Girls); email: ashley.cornick@wiltshirefa.com tel: 07415 229384